They say cats have nine lives. According to that, cat named Ziggy probably have eight lives now after his strange voyage. This cat traveled from northern Israel to Britain (England precisely) without taking any food or water. The trip was 2,300 miles (3900 kilometers) long. October 31 in Haifa, Israel, cat Ziggy wandered into a consignment of plastic goods in some boat. 17 days later, when ship arrived in England, cat appeared at a warehouse in Whitworth in Lancashire. He was emerged, exhausted, starving and dehydrated, but he jumped from box and resist capture from warehouse workers for five hours.

Ziggy the cat is in Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals quarantine now, while people in RSCPA trying to find cat owners in Israel. If you know someone in Israel, please spread a word about this and help Ziggy find home again.
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