Saturday, 27 December 2008
Santa Chooses Small Dogs that Don't Shed!
Even Santa Claus has chosen a Maltese to go on his yearly Santa boat ride in Florida. This is Daisey Dilks, one of the small dogs that don't shed! It is so convenient for Santa, Daisey loves to travel, is a joy to have around and she behaves like a little lady at all times ... lol!
If you are looking for a small breed dog, you might consider this tiny breed!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Houdini Clarke Christmas - 2008
Get in the Christmas spirit with Houdini Clarke ... the first Maltese to run for President of the United States .... he shares his holiday thoughts and pictures!
Friday, 19 December 2008
Houdini Clarke for Prez - the NEXT Step!
The small dogs that dont shed ticket is still endorsing Houdini Clarke .... its not over till the FAT DOG HOWLS .... !
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Domestic quarrel
During a domestic quarrel our Sardarji hid himself under a bed. At last his wife found him out. She asked him to come out. To this he replied: "I am not afraid of you. After all I am a man. If I say I won't come out, I won't.
To look pretty
Little Munni: Auntie, why do you put that powder on your face?
Auntie: To make myself look pretty.
Little Munni: Then why doesn't it work?
Auntie: To make myself look pretty.
Little Munni: Then why doesn't it work?
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Cat dancing
cat dancing on this funny animated gif. Look at this cat seeting on couch, watching TV and abowe that all - dance.

Monday, 15 December 2008
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Long Indian name
A small Indian boy appeared in the class of a London school teacher for the first time and she asked him his name. 'Venkataratnam Narasimha Rattaiah," he said. When she asked, "How do you spell it?" he replied, "My mother helps me."